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суббота, 8 октября 2011 г.

thinking of future

According to my successes in translating the text from english into russian, the world wouldn't want me to be a translator! I'm glad tho :) I never wanted to be anyone like that, except one type: to go around with a famous person(like Ashton Kutcher!!) and translate everything for him - then - OKAY (imagine the pic of okay guy) - i will be a translator, but anything else - um, no.
Also, today i even woke up, got ready for the school and actually walked there when i was told to turn around to go back home coz our school didnt have electricity. W.T.F. Seriously? I did all this hard work for THAT? I would study with no lights on then -___- Yeah, I know I sound like a nerd. Sorry.
So, i came home and GOT SICK so i couldn't go to sleepover @ Ksyusha's. D: wonderful day huh? but i watched a great movie - 7 pounds with Will Smith. I really liked it... I'm not gonna tell you what it is about (in case if u gonna watch it, who knows..), but I'll just tell u what i think of it.
First, in the beginning we dont even get why Ben is so nice. He helps everyone.. Why??We can only see that he's like.. has a challenge with something! What is this challenge about - we find it out only in the middle of the movie. However, yeah, movie tries to keep the ending in a secret  - it's kinda clear how everything is gonna end up.
Summin  up, we can see in this movie a desire to live, regrets about time which was lost and fear of death. It makes YOU think about it, so i'm not gonna tell anything else- i just strongly recommend you to watch it urself! :)

I can add just one suitable example: it's from Steve Jobs' speech to Standford graduates, when he tells them just 3 stories... one of them is about death. He says that he always thought about it.. He heard - live ur day like its the last day of ur life, and he did. He tried not to be emarassed of the last day he spent in his life... For example, me... what did i do today? i'd be soooo upset if i died.. :( I didnt do anything today to be proud of. Of course, i should find good  things in my life, but when you're sick like i am now, what can u really do??
Another smart thing he said is that the death is a great engine for life. Think about it urself, its pretty clear.


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