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четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.


let's suppose there is a guy
and lets think he's really nice
uh-huh uh-huh
so lets just hope he finally will take a step.. or smth like that

Today I was such in a great mood I haven't been in in such a long time! yeah i felt good. I was singing, and laughing a lot and joking around. I guess this mode is when people like you more, so you guys just stay energectic, active and friendly.. this is a secret of success ( well, only a part of it, actually).
I think if i had been is such a good mood everyday, everyboday have loooooved me! but that's not gonna happen. even today i feel sick and in some points of the day i felt really tired and quiet.
sooo...yep yep we are not robots, but we can just try to be happier by LOOKING happier :) and then u'll actually feel it! :)

Another thing I wanted to say: I'm really sorry for my spelling and for my English as a whole. I know I dont have perfect English and I'm not trying to pretend that I do. So please, take it in consideration and don't throw up! hahaha 


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