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понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.


things got really busy today!
well, im not gonna lie, ok.
i wasn't in the writing mood, that's the thing. the strong anxious feeling has covered my soul. no kidding. anyhow, i still got two spent my time nicely ( just couple of times lol forever alone thats what im called)
i cant miss writing about movies!
these days i've watched just 2 of them: 'the  jacket' and 'being john malkovich'.
they are good, but i really liked the second one.
both of these movies kinda remind me each other. they have some kind of a... i don't even know how to call it. may be like the moving of the conciousness? in the first one, the main character goes to future because of the medicines. in 'being john malkovich'... people can go to his head and some can control him!
the ideas of both movies are really good, especially 'being a...' - i guarantee you, it's something you have never seen before! :) there is a fine line between people and muppets. really interesting.. it might make you wonder, too - what if somebody can get an access to my head? what will happen? will i be strong enough to take the control and control myself or i will just be trapped in my conciousness, not being able to do anything, just observing when somebody controls my life?
also i have to mention that Cameron Diaz is starring there!! She looks almost unrecognizable. Her character is really interesting, too. Woman, who never knew she really was. She tried to be a man - and she liked it.
my favorite moment is when .... well, in case u r going to watch it, i'll just give u a hint :
Malkovich....Malkovich malkovich, malkovich. MALKOVICH!!!
it is hilarious.

Yeah, this movie is good. A lot of times it reminded me a total absurd though. But it is interesting and something unusual - so watch it! :) Also, I would really recommend it to those who like psychology.

среда, 19 октября 2011 г.

Rio :)

Yesterday I finally watched 'Rio'!!! It literally made me cry, especially at the moment when he FLEW!!!OMG. sorry i told you but it was obvious that eventually he would learn how to fly. but really.. it felt SO great! and like - FINALLY!!HE FLIES! OH MY GOSH!
*and my eyes started watering*
then i realized i was crying...Actually, I dont cry a lot while i watch a movie. I really cried only when i watched Titanic (banal yeah), Bridge to Terabithia and  Dancing in the Dark. The last 2 - I was crying like a baby!! I just felt it so much, I was impressed. But I'll talk about these movies later. Just one more little thing : i love only those movies, which impress me. I hate it when I've just watched a movie in the cinema and then I walked out and  I DON'T REMEMBER IT! AT ALL! you can bravely call movies like that "shit". sorry..

Rio... As i expected it's not a bird's name. It's a city duh. You can really feel Brazilian atmosphere in the movie - viva la fiesta, carnaval and love :) Honestly, I really want to go there now. Seems like fun... Everything in the movie is awesome - idea, graphics, humor and music! I really recommend you to watch it if you feel tired or upset - it will fix your mood 100%.
This movie gives hope, inspiration and I guess considering this movie I should mention one of the most popular phrases : Impossible is nothing! :)
At first, Rio loves to be in his cage and just be a pet how Jules sasrcastically calls him :) He doesn't even want to fly that much. He's fine with all the things... But suddenly he falls in love and then... he changes :) I don't want to tell more... You can look it up on Internet but i would just find free time and watch it! :)

понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.


Ok, so lately i've been so busy!
I started to go to courses to get my driving liscence... it's interesting :) I am really excited about getting it! also on the weekend i finally went shopping. honestly, russian shopping has disappointed me. a lot of ordinary things... well, yeah, i really liked some stuff but it won't fit me! anyways i liked some pull n bear stuff, topshop and befree(what is unusual for me, coz i dont like it so much). there is also some other stores i liked, but i dont remember them. but it s nothing special and it's not like i'd recommend it to you..
anyways, with all this stuff going on i found time to watch a movie! It's Superbad. well, a lot of people might think that it's just another dumb American comedy... but it's not :) ok, it kinda is but it's carrying a meaning within it...It talks a lot about all stuff like cops can have fun, u don't have to be drunk to get with somebody, coz for some people looks dont matter and the most important thing is about FRIENDSHIP. i really like that moment when one guy carries his bestfriend who had a blackout and that guy hurt feelings of the guy who was carrying him.. and then they just get that they are best friends ever no matter what etc.
It's just nowadays there is not a lot of stuff about friendship and it's sad.

As for me, love doesn't have to include friendship, but friendship includes love.

понедельник, 10 октября 2011 г.

Songs that make you feel better! pt 1

Hey guys!
Well, I've been feeling a lil upset lately and I know lots of my friends are stressing out about exams and stuff. What I do is that I just turn the music on! However, not every kind of music will help you - i dont think listening to Evanescence (im not saying it s a bad music!!) will bring positiveness (is there a word like that? lol) in you life!
So here is MY list make-Alina-feel-better:

War - Why can't we be friends (it was played in my favorite movie 'Bridge to Terabitihia')

Sara B. -  fairytale (very true lyrics! dont miss them! :)  )

Five - Keep on Moving

Bruno Mars - Lazy Song (reeeeally hilarious music video!!! love it haha) 

And the last song will be a Russian one ;) I really looove this song for a long time already's just awesome and it aaaalsways brings me in a good mood! :)

Павел Воля(Pavel Volya)- Радужная песня

I hope these songs will make you feel better!! :) And remember, there is more to come! I'll be posting more songs once in a while :)

суббота, 8 октября 2011 г.

thinking of future

According to my successes in translating the text from english into russian, the world wouldn't want me to be a translator! I'm glad tho :) I never wanted to be anyone like that, except one type: to go around with a famous person(like Ashton Kutcher!!) and translate everything for him - then - OKAY (imagine the pic of okay guy) - i will be a translator, but anything else - um, no.
Also, today i even woke up, got ready for the school and actually walked there when i was told to turn around to go back home coz our school didnt have electricity. W.T.F. Seriously? I did all this hard work for THAT? I would study with no lights on then -___- Yeah, I know I sound like a nerd. Sorry.
So, i came home and GOT SICK so i couldn't go to sleepover @ Ksyusha's. D: wonderful day huh? but i watched a great movie - 7 pounds with Will Smith. I really liked it... I'm not gonna tell you what it is about (in case if u gonna watch it, who knows..), but I'll just tell u what i think of it.
First, in the beginning we dont even get why Ben is so nice. He helps everyone.. Why??We can only see that he's like.. has a challenge with something! What is this challenge about - we find it out only in the middle of the movie. However, yeah, movie tries to keep the ending in a secret  - it's kinda clear how everything is gonna end up.
Summin  up, we can see in this movie a desire to live, regrets about time which was lost and fear of death. It makes YOU think about it, so i'm not gonna tell anything else- i just strongly recommend you to watch it urself! :)

I can add just one suitable example: it's from Steve Jobs' speech to Standford graduates, when he tells them just 3 stories... one of them is about death. He says that he always thought about it.. He heard - live ur day like its the last day of ur life, and he did. He tried not to be emarassed of the last day he spent in his life... For example, me... what did i do today? i'd be soooo upset if i died.. :( I didnt do anything today to be proud of. Of course, i should find good  things in my life, but when you're sick like i am now, what can u really do??
Another smart thing he said is that the death is a great engine for life. Think about it urself, its pretty clear.

четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.


let's suppose there is a guy
and lets think he's really nice
uh-huh uh-huh
so lets just hope he finally will take a step.. or smth like that

Today I was such in a great mood I haven't been in in such a long time! yeah i felt good. I was singing, and laughing a lot and joking around. I guess this mode is when people like you more, so you guys just stay energectic, active and friendly.. this is a secret of success ( well, only a part of it, actually).
I think if i had been is such a good mood everyday, everyboday have loooooved me! but that's not gonna happen. even today i feel sick and in some points of the day i felt really tired and quiet.
sooo...yep yep we are not robots, but we can just try to be happier by LOOKING happier :) and then u'll actually feel it! :)

Another thing I wanted to say: I'm really sorry for my spelling and for my English as a whole. I know I dont have perfect English and I'm not trying to pretend that I do. So please, take it in consideration and don't throw up! hahaha 

понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.


and here u can watch what one of the small giraffes is doing ;)

SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

Commercial :D

Well, today I've found a HILARIOUS blog!
this one. It is written by Lord Voldemort. LOL. Very funny already, but it's very informative with a log of jokes, which will be loooved by Harry Potter fans (mememememe!!haha).
So yeah, I'm just writing this post to remember this link, coz idk how to subscribe\follow it!