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понедельник, 30 января 2012 г.

I am back!

It is just so funny that I have SO many posts with this name!
Anyways, now I need to get on it. 
Time which passed I've watched tons of movies! I actually became Tarantino fan. I can't imagine that for 18 years of my life I've been missing his masterpieces. He is just amazing! And he seems to be a nice person too (crazy a bit), he's so active, talkative and funny! Check out some of his interviews - you will enjoy it, I am sure! 
Well, today i am TOO kinda and I don't wanna do my homework so here is an interview I've watched first (and loved it from the first sight!)

My favorite starts when Jon Stewart asks Tarantino - 'did you sleep with the director?'

That's all for now and I am going to really rock this blog! See ya soon! 
Loves xx

вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.

it's time! #music #wishlist

Okay, it's time to write here. Today I am not going to talk about movies, directors, literature, photography..
I am going to talk about music, musical instruments in particular.
Whole year I was craving for a harmonica, but 4 days ago (or 5 may be?) I've heard like my classmate mentioned she has it. I got her number to make sure she will bring it next day. It is pointless to decribe the following events but OMG HARMONICA IS UHHHHMAZING!!!!!
First of all, this video gave the birth to my passion:
Isn't it cool? harmonica, beatbox, music? It includes everything i like (not everything, but yeah.. u got it! ;) )
Actually, on facebook there are a lot of videos how to play harmonica - so you dont even need a teacher. There are different harmonicas, not by just appearance or by quantity of sounds, but they all have different keys. Some are lower or higher pitched as well.
Why do I like it so bad? Well, it is very easy to play by ear, you don't have to learn any notes, you just play.. You can take it with you everywhere - it is so small (however, there also can be huge harmonicas! lol)

After talking to my classmates, I realized that now I am craving for more musical instruments. Now there is a little chart:

  • Most likely I will have it soon: Melodica. Very easy for those, who can play the piano. You just blow and press the keys. Easy breezy. Igor Krutoy has it too ;) So be cool as he is :) By the way, I had a small one when I was little! Oh those good ole times! :) 

  • Other intrument - Flute. I played something like that when I was in elementary school. However, it sounded ridiculously annoying - I wish i had a nice with a soft sound flute. Also, pan flute can be gifted to me instead of simple flute. It is awesome too. 

  • The first gran-pri goes to Soprano Sax! It is usually straight and looks like clarinet but this one does not! :) It's just a small and higher pitched sax. First time I've heard about it was when I went to the first band class in my American High School. Mr. Day asked me what do I want to play and I answered without a doubt - saxophone! He brought one, but it was too big for me!:( Then, he asked me if I have money and you have to agree that it's is a kinda weird question but i still answered it positively. And he responded like: " Well then, you can buy a soprano saxophone, it costs around $400 and I will be happy to teach you to play it!". I explained him that $400 is kinda a lot for my family and I can not spend this money on the instrument I can't play yet. What if I won't be able to? So I denied his offer :( How do you think, may be i should've had taken this chance? Please tell me, I am wondering to know your opinion! Then he was persuading me to play trumpet but I dont really like it and it's too easy, you won't wonder anyone by playing that( and im not a pioneer) . So that's how my band class was over, I changed it to Psych class ( and I enjoyed it a lot!!). 

  • And the second gran pri goes to DRUM SET(KIT)!!

This 'small' thing has been a dream of my life for years!!! I SO want it!!!It's the most wonderful thing ever! Unfortunately, I never tried to play the real one :( But I know someday I will. Also, the bad thing is that it's too big - even for our not so small, but still, apartment. 
I played  the drum kit a lot  on apps on ipod, until my dear ipod was stolen. Also, it felt amazing to play it on Guitar Hero - i still have this warm feeling while remembering myself pretending to be a rock star drummer while playing guitar hero with Rekia and Shawn in Tennessee on the spring break. Such a good memories. It was so fun! And Shawn was very hot too! lol

So this is a short wishlist of instruments I want to have. Of course, it's not all, there are some other ones too. So keep checking my blog  for many more posts to come about music, cinematography, photography and just everything else! :) 

суббота, 3 декабря 2011 г.

i am alive!

hey guys! i am so so so sorry i haven't written here for such a long time. I was a little  bit busy again. Actually, I didn't stop writing abot movies, so no worries! I was doing it on paper. Well, i have some news for you and hopefully an useful info, too. So tomorrow I will post here! Promise! :) 
о тесту Цветовой тест Люшера на сайте Психологические тесты у меня следующие результаты:

Заключение Люшера

Желаемые цели и поведение, продиктованное этими целями

Первая выборка
Слишком сильно развитое воображение, отдается фантазиям и мечтам. Жаждет интересных и волнующих событий, хочет, чтобы другие восхищались его обаянием.

Вторая выборка

Жаждет тонкого и сочувственного понимания и хочет оградить себя от споров, конфликтов или каких-либо обессиливающих стрессов.

Существующее положение вещей и уместное при этом поведение

Первая выборка

Относительно пассивен и находится в статичном состоянии, хотя тот или иной конфликт и мешает душевному покою. Hеспособен добиться отношений, которые могли бы удовлетворить его с точки зрения взаимной привязанности и взаимопонимания (предшествующая группа цветов характеризует попытку компенсации этого или другого конфликтов).

Вторая выборка

Аккуратен, методичен, самостоятелен. Hуждается в уважении, признании и понимании со стороны близких ему людей.

Сдерживаемые свойства и неуместное при этом поведение

Первая выборка

Обстоятельства вынуждают его идти на компромиссы и временно отказаться от некоторых удовольствий. Способен получать физическое удовлетворение от сексуальной активности.

Вторая выборка

Чувствует, что попал в бедственное или неудобное положение и ищет какого-либо пути к облегчению. Способен получать удовлетворение от сексуальной активности.

Отрицаемые, подавляемые или же несущие тревогу свойства

Первая выборка

Физиологическая интерпретация

Страдания и возбуждения, вызванные попыткой избежать каких бы то ни было воздействий или волнений. Окружение свое считает враждебным и испытывает сильное давление. Раздражителен и подвержен вспышкам гнева, возможны сексуальные неврозы или жалобы на сердце.

Психологическая интерпретация

Страдает из-за очевидной враждебности окружения. Испытывает чувство принуждения и невыносимое давление. Hегодует и возмущается тем, что он воспринимает как предъявляемые к нему неразумные требования, однако чувствует себя бессильным как-либо повлиять на ситуацию и неспособным защитить себя самого.


Беспомощное бунтарство (первая группа цветов нужна как компенсация).

Вторая выборка

Физиологическая интерпретация

Стресс, вызванный разочарованием и настороженной самозащитой от дальнейших неудач (особенно в 7/8 поз., меньше, но также в 6/7).

Психологическая интерпретация

Hесбывшиеся надежды привели к неуверенности и настороженности. Требует свободы действия и отвергает какой бы то ни было контроль, кроме самоконтроля. Hе желает обходиться без чего-либо или в чем-либо себе отказывать и требует гарантии безопасности как панацеи от дальнейших неудач или потери положения и престижа. Сомневается в том, что в будущем положение будет хоть сколько-нибудь лучше и эта отрицательная установка приводит к тому, что он повышает свои притязания и отказывается от разумных компромиссов.


Фиксированное беспокойство и напряжение ожидания (первая группа цветов характеризует компенсацию).

Актуальная проблема или поведение, вызванное стрессом

Первая выборка

Возбужденность, непредсказуемость поведения и раздражительность в сочетании с истощением жизненной энергии и нетерпимость каких-либо дальнейших требований к нему - все это вместе поставило бы в положение, в котором он чувствует, что сложившиеся обстоятельства таят для него какую-то угрозу. Ощущая свое бессилие что-либо с этим поделать собственными силами, он отчаянно надеятся, что какое нибудь решение укажет ему путь к спасению.

Вторая выборка

Разочарование и боязнь, что определять какие-либо новые цели не имеет смысла, вызвали тревогу и он страдает от недостатка каких-либо близких и сочувственных отношений. Он пытается спастись от этого бегством в искусственный мир, в котором эти разочарования отсутствуют и вещи более приближаются к тому, какими он хотел бы их видеть.

пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.

1st rule - you don't talk about fight club.

yes, it's me.
today is a memorable day  - i am finally writing a new post. I was again, busy, coz i have a fall break! I know it doesn't make anysense, but u know, u gotta do so much stuff. But the main thing i was doing is reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. I haven't finished it yet, so i will write later about it.
So let's talk about movies. These days I've watched just 3 of them - No strings attached, Fight Club and Another Earth. I think those who watched these movies will know which one is the best one  - yes, it's Fight Club!
Well, of course 1st thing to mention is that there is Brad Pitt and blond Jared Leto - 2 actors I absolutely love and they are  usually filmed in good movies: Mr. Nobody, Requiem for a Dream, 27 chapter, and I'm not even talking about Brad Pitt - this is an endless list of movies. Also, the main female role was assigned to Helena Bonham Carter, who hasn't been favored by Tim Burton yet.
Fight Club is a movie that you can divide into quotes, but it's not boring at all. Have you ever talked to a person who was telling nothing but quotes? I have and it was terrible. But in Fight Club it's awesome. I searched some quotes from this movie in google ( coz my memory sucks!!)  so here you can see them:

Tyler Durden: Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may. 

Tyler Durden: Only after disaster can we be resurrected. 

Narrator: This is crazy... 
Tyler Durden: People do it everyday, they talk to themselves... they see themselves as they'd like to be, they don't have the courage you have, to just run with it. 

Richard Chesler: Is that your blood? 
Narrator: Some of it, yeah. 

Tyler Durden: You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. 

Tyler Durden: Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. 

Tyler DurdenAdvertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need

 You want more? And even with the sound?

This movie was based on Chuck Palannik (did I spell it right?) book. Unfortunately, I have never read none of his books. Now I will for sure. The movie was directed by David Fincher, the same dude who directed The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (good movie with Brad Pitt, but a bit too long) 

So, Bred Pitt a.k.a Tyler Durden is a awesomely cool guy, which has it all: money, wit, strength, cuteness (lol). He represents what some people what to be like. Literally.
The movies starts up with a guy, who nobody ever listened to, who was alone, whose 'happiness' was in decorating his condo. But he could not sleep. Then he started to attend support clubs and by crying there he felt better. Once, his condo was burnt and he had nowhere to go so he called Tyler, a man who he got to know in the plane. They drank a bit too much and.. well, that's actually the story how Fight Club starts - some  new kind of support club, but a very different one. But i can't tell you :
"First rule of fight club - you never talk about fight club.
 Second rule of fight club - you never talk about fight club"
Anyways, the thing goes much further than just a simple fight club (if you can call it simple, huh!)
This movie shows you different things : how you should do what you like and never give up, you should be able to stand up for yourself, you should let it go, overcome your fears and your 'i can not's...etc. But this all shown as a little scenes,  which build the whole movie up as a puzzle. Everybody gets the generalized idea of the movie different, but I guarantee you - it is something that can actually change the way you see the world. Even the criminal attacks are not bad there and you know it. So it is something REALLY worth to watch and if you like unexpected ending (oh poor me, I wanna tell you everything!) and some of good humor-  it is definately for you.

There are some pictures of this movie I found:

Isn't he cute in this robe? So cute and so shameless. 

"Your soap is the best!!"

"Hit me as hard as you can!"

" -I am going to tell everyone about you! -Oh really? I will, too" 

Ok, i think this is too much info for just one post, so tomorrow there will be (i will try, promise) a post about other movies! 

понедельник, 24 октября 2011 г.


things got really busy today!
well, im not gonna lie, ok.
i wasn't in the writing mood, that's the thing. the strong anxious feeling has covered my soul. no kidding. anyhow, i still got two spent my time nicely ( just couple of times lol forever alone thats what im called)
i cant miss writing about movies!
these days i've watched just 2 of them: 'the  jacket' and 'being john malkovich'.
they are good, but i really liked the second one.
both of these movies kinda remind me each other. they have some kind of a... i don't even know how to call it. may be like the moving of the conciousness? in the first one, the main character goes to future because of the medicines. in 'being john malkovich'... people can go to his head and some can control him!
the ideas of both movies are really good, especially 'being a...' - i guarantee you, it's something you have never seen before! :) there is a fine line between people and muppets. really interesting.. it might make you wonder, too - what if somebody can get an access to my head? what will happen? will i be strong enough to take the control and control myself or i will just be trapped in my conciousness, not being able to do anything, just observing when somebody controls my life?
also i have to mention that Cameron Diaz is starring there!! She looks almost unrecognizable. Her character is really interesting, too. Woman, who never knew she really was. She tried to be a man - and she liked it.
my favorite moment is when .... well, in case u r going to watch it, i'll just give u a hint :
Malkovich....Malkovich malkovich, malkovich. MALKOVICH!!!
it is hilarious.

Yeah, this movie is good. A lot of times it reminded me a total absurd though. But it is interesting and something unusual - so watch it! :) Also, I would really recommend it to those who like psychology.

среда, 19 октября 2011 г.

Rio :)

Yesterday I finally watched 'Rio'!!! It literally made me cry, especially at the moment when he FLEW!!!OMG. sorry i told you but it was obvious that eventually he would learn how to fly. but really.. it felt SO great! and like - FINALLY!!HE FLIES! OH MY GOSH!
*and my eyes started watering*
then i realized i was crying...Actually, I dont cry a lot while i watch a movie. I really cried only when i watched Titanic (banal yeah), Bridge to Terabithia and  Dancing in the Dark. The last 2 - I was crying like a baby!! I just felt it so much, I was impressed. But I'll talk about these movies later. Just one more little thing : i love only those movies, which impress me. I hate it when I've just watched a movie in the cinema and then I walked out and  I DON'T REMEMBER IT! AT ALL! you can bravely call movies like that "shit". sorry..

Rio... As i expected it's not a bird's name. It's a city duh. You can really feel Brazilian atmosphere in the movie - viva la fiesta, carnaval and love :) Honestly, I really want to go there now. Seems like fun... Everything in the movie is awesome - idea, graphics, humor and music! I really recommend you to watch it if you feel tired or upset - it will fix your mood 100%.
This movie gives hope, inspiration and I guess considering this movie I should mention one of the most popular phrases : Impossible is nothing! :)
At first, Rio loves to be in his cage and just be a pet how Jules sasrcastically calls him :) He doesn't even want to fly that much. He's fine with all the things... But suddenly he falls in love and then... he changes :) I don't want to tell more... You can look it up on Internet but i would just find free time and watch it! :)